Clove Tea (Pineapple Flavour)

Clove Tea (Pineapple Flavour)

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Lubu Mall

Original price was: ₦1,300.00.Current price is: ₦1,000.00.

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Cloves health benefits include improving digestion, fighting bacteria, protecting the liver, fighting lung cancer, regulating blood sugar, preventing mutation, enhancing immune system, fighting inflammation, supporting oral health, curing respiratory infection, curing headaches, relieving stress, treating wounds, supporting healthy bones, treat acne, promoting youthful skin, and preventing stomach ulcers.

Cloves are a spice that is widely used to add flavor to various dishes. However, their contribution isn’t limited to adding flavor, but it provides various health benefits as well. Not to be taken lightly because of their small size, they are beneficial for the digestive process, blood sugar regulation and much more.

Clove Tea (Pineapple Flavour)

Original price was: ₦1,300.00.Current price is: ₦1,000.00.

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Product Description

Clove Tea (Pineapple Flavour)

Uses and Applications

Antibacterial:  Hot/Warm, 1 tea cup every morning do not add honey or milk. If u are ulcer patient that cant take hot stuff, drink it warm.

Anti-Carcinogenic/Cancer:  1 tea cup every morning and night, drink it warm, add honey if you like, but do not add milk.

The Liver: 1 tea cup every morning, drink it warm, add honey if you like, but do not add milk.

Blood Sugar/Diabetes:  1 tea cup every morning and night, Warm or Cold, do not drink it hot, and do not add anything, and don’t buy with flavor, buy and drink without flavor.

Mutation: 1 tea cup every night drink it warm, add honey if you like, but do not add milk.

Immune System/As Vaccine: 1 tea cup every morning before food, drink it warm, add honey if you like, but do not add milk.

Anti-Inflammatory: 1 tea cup every morning, Drink it at the room temperature, you can add milk, honey or sugar.

Oral health/Bad Breathe:  After morning brush and Night, hold some warm content in your mouth for 1 minute or 2 minutes. Use any of the clove tea with flavor.

Respiratory Infection/Cold/Flu/Headaches:  1 tea cup every morning and night , Hot/warm with honey do not add milk.

Stress:  Drink chilled with any flavor,  you can add honey or sugar with milk, anytime you feel stressed up.

Wounds: Remove the tea from its bag, grind it to become fine powder, apply it to the surface of the long time wound or fresh wound.

Healthy Bones/Rheumatic Arthritis: 1 tea cup every morning and night, drink it Hot/Warm, add honey if you like, but do not add milk.

Treat Acne/Bad Skin/Red Skin/Swelling Skin: for quick effectiveness, if its all skin infection, boil enough tea, that can be added to bathing water, always immerse your body into the warm bathing clove tea for 30 minutes after bathing with soap. If its minor area in the body turn the tea into fine powder, add it to Shea butter or any Vaseline, rob it on the skin spot.

Ulcers, Digestion:  This depend on the type of ulcer, if your type do not go with hot stuff, drink 1 tea cup every morning or anytime the ulcer disturb you at the room temperature or chilled/cold, you can add honey or milk  or both if your type allows it. If your type can allow hot/warm just add honey or milk or both if allowed.

Youthful Skin: always drink it as juice, chilled one after worked out add milk and sugar to taste or u can choose honey instead of sugar

intestinal parasites:  Hot/Warm, 1 tea cup every morning do not add honey or milk. If u are ulcer patient that cant take hot stuff, drink it warm or at room temperature.

Muscle spasm : drink 1 tea cup, cold,  anytime you have muscle spasm.

Blood circulation :  1 tea cup every morning at room temperature don’t add anything.


1. Improve Digestion

Taking Clove tea with your meals will add a burst of aiding the digestive process by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes. They eliminate gas that collects in the digestive tracts which makes them a good cure for flatulence. It can be taken either hot, warm or cold form with honey as a home-treatment for stomach disorders. As a result, you’re less likely to feel nauseous because of indigestion.

2. It Is Antibacterial

Clove tea have been widely researched to test its medicinal properties and effects on human-infecting pathogens. As expected, drinking the clove is enough to do so and proves its antibacterial properties. To be specific, the tea is highly effective in killing strains of bacteria that cause diseases such as cholera.

3. Anti-Carcinogenic/Cancer

Studies show that cloves can act as an effective anti-carcinogenic which is a substance that can protect the body against the growth of cancers by inhibiting them. This was applied specifically to lung cancer, and results showed that cloves stopped the growth completely.

4. Protects The Liver

The liver is an important organ which functions to break down complex substances which are consumed by the body. Clove tea is fairly rich in antioxidants which protect the body against the harmful effects of freely roaming radicals. These can take a toll on the body over long periods of time, especially the liver. Clove tea protect it against the increase in radical and lipid production which is a result of metabolism.

5. Regulate Blood Sugar/Diabetes

Clove tea have been used as traditional medicine for a variety of illnesses such as diabetes. Patients that suffered from this disease would face the problem of insufficient or no insulin being produced in the body. Clove tea seem to imitate the effects of insulin in the body and have the potential in regulating the levels of blood sugar in the body.

6. Prevents Mutation

Clove tea contain certain compounds such as phenylpropanoids which can reduce the harmful effects of mutagens. This anti-mutagenic property possessed by cloves helps in preventing against changes in the genetic makeup of the DNA.

7. Enhances Immune System/As Vaccine

The science of Ayurvedic medicine has described the spice to be effective in developing the immune system of the body. Cloves stimulate the production of white blood cells and lead to better defense against bacterial infections.

8. Anti-Inflammatory

Clove tea possess a compound called eugenol which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Studies show that its presence is correlated with the reduction of inflammation. Results also show that the compound eugenol can reduce the pain felt by stimulating receptors.

9. Oral health/Bad Breathe

Cloves are beneficial for gum diseases/bad breathe such as gingivitis, and mouth odor. Drinking Clove tea is effective in inhibiting the growth of pathogens. They also have properties which mimic those of pain-killers and kills bacteria in the mouth that causes odor, they can also be used for toothaches as well.


10. Cures Respiratory Infection/Cold/Flu

Clove tea shows a wide use  to lessen the symptoms of colds or the flu. It also acts as an expectorant and help in relieving congestion and makes it easier to rid the respiratory tracts of phlegm.

11. Cures Headaches

The presence of eugenol in cloves makes it an excellent alternative to painkilling medicine which is usually used to treat headaches. Drinking clove tea is effective in curing a headache and does not result in the harmful side effects of using medication.

12. Relieve Stress

Clove tea have a calming effect on the nerves which can be useful when a person is under stress. This induces the production of hormones which regulate the stress level and uplift the mood. Drinking clove tea with flavor  make some aromatic relieving odor and will soothe the nerves and reduce any anxiety that the person is facing.

13. Treat Wounds

Being an exceptional analgesic and antiseptic, cloves are highly regarded as being effective for treating bruises and scrapes. Considering that it also has anti-inflammatory properties, it will work well for swellings as well.

14. Healthy Bones/Rheumatic Arthritis

The presence of phenolic compounds such as its flavones, flavones, and flavonoids in clove extracts is beneficial for healthy bones. This is because they aid in retaining bones mass and prevent it from deteriorating. This proves its effectiveness in reducing the painful symptoms of rheumatic arthritis.

15. Treat Acne/Bad Skin/Red Skin/Swelling Skin

The antibacterial properties of cloves are extremely helpful in reducing acne on the skin. Pimples and acne are caused by the accumulation of dirt and harmful bacteria which uses your skin as a breeding ground. The antibacterial properties of clove extracts can reduce such skin problems while the anti-inflammatory characteristic lessens the redness and swelling of such issues.


16. Youthful Skin

The presence of antioxidants in cloves makes it a great addition to the lifestyle of youthful skin. Harmful radicals cause the skin cells to age rapidly, and this causes premature wrinkles. Cloves can battle such radicals with antioxidants and help your skin stay youthful.

17. Prevent Stomach Ulcers

Research on clove  shows that they contain certain compounds which can help in treating painful ulcers which emerge in the stomach. These are often caused by a thinning of the lining which exposes the delicate tissue underneath. This occurs due to factors like infections, stressful lifestyles, and heredity. The study shows that cloves stimulate the production of mucus in the stomach. This gastric mucus can prevent the thinning of the lining which would lead to the erosion of tissues by gastric acids.

  1. Kills intestinal parasites

Clove tea has been used since ancient times to kill intestinal parasites. The presence of anti-inflammatory compounds in clove is responsible for clearing parasites from the body and relieve its symptoms, namely abdominal pain and upset stomach.

  1. Muscle spasm

Cloves help you reduce muscle spasms and help ease out the muscles during cramps.

20. Blood circulation

Clove tea helps improve blood circulation, which is important for the proper functioning of the organs and the cells by purifying the blood.


To conclude, the various benefits provided by cloves lead to a healthier lifestyle highlighted by youthfulness and vitality. It’s beneficial for problems such as inflammation and indigestion which makes it a household staple that every kitchen cabinet should hold.

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